Click on any section to jump to the relevant portion of the piece!
- [Why all-hands are important](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=Why all-hands are important,is contributing to that collective effort.)
- [How to define and design your all-hands](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=How to define and design your,makes this process effective and sustainable.)
- [The results of your all-hands](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=The results of your all-hands,following it. Employees should leave feeling%3A)
- [What to include in your all-hands](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=What to include in your all-hands,Culture)
- [How to present your all-hands](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=How to present your all-hands,to consider when planning your meeting.)
- [Other communication practices to consider](https://www.atrium.co/blog/all-hands-meetings/#post-1606:~:text=Other communication practices to consider,meetings with those at all levels)