Programs & Resources

BizOps Masterminds

Solve challenges and build deep relationships with other leaders in the community through monthly cohort-based mastermind sessions.
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1:1 Connections

One of the great parts of the community is the PEOPLE!

Learn more and sign-up for our curated and in-house, quarterly 1-1 connection-making program!
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BizOps Knowledge Hub

Discover a curated list of resources, articles, templates, and frameworks plus recordings & notes from past roundtables and leadership events to help accelerate you and your team.
Share your own resources here too!
Go to Knowledge Hub

Upcoming Events

No new events are scheduled at the moment.

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Learn & Execute

Join Community Slack

Ask the community anything! Use channels like #ask-for-help to solve daily challenges or #tools to learn what products others are using to speed up their teams.
Join Slack WorkspaceOpen slack →
Learn & Execute

Introduce Yourself

This is the easiest way to meet BizOps members. Let us know where you’re from, what you’re working on, what you can help others with, and how others can support you. Add a fun fact, too!
Go to #intros Channel
Learn & Execute

Book 1:1 with David

Set up a time to chat with our community operations manager, David Nebinski! Learn about upcoming programs and share what you hope to learn and share from the community!
Book a time hereCheck #gratitude →
Outseta.on('accessToken.set', function(member) { Outseta.getUser().then(function (result) { console.log(result); if(result['Account']['HasLoggedIn']){ console.log('user is logged in'); try{ let firstName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['FirstName']; let lastName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['LastName']; let email = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['Email']; let airtableID = result['Account']['airtableID']; let hubspotID = result['Account']['hubspotID']; let accountUID = result['Account']['Uid']; const userProperties = { 'First name': firstName, 'Last name': lastName, 'Email': email, 'Airtable ID': airtableID, 'Hubspot ID': hubspotID, 'Account ID': accountUID }; heap.identify(email); heap.addUserProperties(userProperties); console.log('completed heap identification'); } catch(e) { console.log(e) } } }); });