Make Your Values Mean Something

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Make Your Values Mean Something
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  • [Understand the Different Types of Values]( the Different Types of Values,urgency one of our core values.”)
  • [Be Aggressively Authentic]( Aggressively Authentic,showed an insincere video promptly discovered.)
  • [Own the Process]( the Process,to gather input and build consensus.)
  • [Weave Core Values into Everything]( Core Values into Everything,for every decision the company makes.)
Outseta.on('accessToken.set', function(member) { Outseta.getUser().then(function (result) { console.log(result); if(result['Account']['HasLoggedIn']){ console.log('user is logged in'); try{ let firstName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['FirstName']; let lastName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['LastName']; let email = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['Email']; let airtableID = result['Account']['airtableID']; let hubspotID = result['Account']['hubspotID']; let accountUID = result['Account']['Uid']; const userProperties = { 'First name': firstName, 'Last name': lastName, 'Email': email, 'Airtable ID': airtableID, 'Hubspot ID': hubspotID, 'Account ID': accountUID }; heap.identify(email); heap.addUserProperties(userProperties); console.log('completed heap identification'); } catch(e) { console.log(e) } } }); });