Click on any section to jump to the relevant portion of the piece!
- [Why do we exist?](https://husney.com/the-narrative-driven-organization-17/#post-17:~:text=Purpose and Principles%3A Why We Exist)
- [Who do we serve?](https://husney.com/the-narrative-driven-organization-17/#post-17:~:text=Who We Serve%3A Casting Our Customers)
- [How do we serve them?](https://husney.com/the-narrative-driven-organization-17/#post-17:~:text=How We Serve Them%3A The Storyboard)
- [Who do we need and how do they operate?](https://husney.com/the-narrative-driven-organization-17/#post-17:~:text=Who We Need%3A Allocating Your Team,let’s see how we’d form teams.)
- [How do we track our progress toward our purpose?](https://husney.com/the-narrative-driven-organization-17/#post-17:~:text=Doing the Work)