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Darshan Amin Operations Associate at Posh Bio I'm an Operations Associate at Posh Technologies, specializing in financial and business operations optimization. I'm also a leader in two national organizations supporting the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community. I hold a Bachelor's in Business from The University of Texas at Dallas and am currently pursuing an FMVA certification from Corporate Finance Institute. I'm driven by a passion for learning, problem-solving, and making a positive impact through diversity and inclusion.
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Other members Lanell Smith Senior Associate, Special Projects (Ops Dept.) and Special Asst. to the CEO at Chiefs for Change Memphis (Remote)
Stephanie Couzin Senior Director, Strategic Finance & Business Operations at Lucid Software Salt Lake City
Rishav Kanoria Director of Business Operations & Strategy at RADAR London
Kymberly Grove Business Manager, Office of the CEO at OpenInvest San Francisco
Dave Mekelburg Head of Operations at PandoLogic Ann Arbor, Michigan (Remote)
Stephen Levin Head of Business Operations at Zapier Charlottesville, VA
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Outseta.on('accessToken.set', function(member) {
Outseta.getUser().then(function (result)
console.log('user is logged in');
let firstName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['FirstName'];
let lastName = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['LastName'];
let email = result['Account']['PrimaryContact']['Email'];
let airtableID = result['Account']['airtableID'];
let hubspotID = result['Account']['hubspotID'];
let accountUID = result['Account']['Uid'];
const userProperties = {
'First name': firstName,
'Last name': lastName,
'Email': email,
'Airtable ID': airtableID,
'Hubspot ID': hubspotID,
'Account ID': accountUID
console.log('completed heap identification');
catch(e) {